I live for God. I laugh for Him too. Find steadfast joy in Him.

Psalms 126:1-3
"When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.' The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."

--> We have found freedom in God as well. We can live out the joy depicted in this verse!

Friday, 23 September 2011

Hilarious Pillows...

... by Pillow Mob... are crazy hilariously awesome! Make your face into a pillow!!!

The above is creepy... oh so creepy, but also funny. See, you can also buy other peoples crazy faces... isn't that weird... I really want to fill someone's space with random people pillows. Hilarious. See, here's the thing - you know that the site's weird... you have too (or you shouldn't be reading this)... but it still gets in you. I found out about the site a week ago... and everyday since I've looked at people in a new way... in a 'if you were a pillow' way... it's strange and yet wildly entertaining. I hope it passes soon. 

P.S. ... I'm hooked on Pinterest... I even ressurected my hated Facebookedness to catch an invite... then I dropped that social sphere once again... but for 20 minutes I was on it... it was weird... and I remembered why I was never on it... see people who don't believe me - I considered it... but found it lacking.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Parkour & Freerunning: Super Mario Style

Um... coolest school ever...

Mister Giggles vs Dog Classifications

Mister Giggles - "Auntie Lisa! Their puppy is so cute! What's it called again - a Lamborghini?"
... runs out to ask Mr. Si...
No no... Mr. Si. quickly told him that it was a beagle. Funny.

I don't understand this car, then again my favourite one ever was a Geometro... Tate told me I was  a cheapster...
SO CUTE!!! This, this I get...

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Night Out with Sunshine

Went out for some fun times with Sunshine last night! Hit Wallymart and picked up a few DVDs. Searched for some ugly items (so fun):

This picture does not do the colour justice... seriously.
These are boot 'add-ons'... faux fur boot add-ons. Funny.
Weirdly multi-coloured - brown and black and gray... like a weird cow...
 Sunshine with the Mickey Mouse Mobile:

Then we headed off to Mickey D's for some of those delicious mini McFlurry's! We played in the Playplace... I mean 'Get Fit Zone'... and I fell and spilt my lip - seriously funny! Later Sunshine mentioned it was her first McFlurry - crazy girl - she always veered away from the deliciousness of the McFlurry! Here she is homecoming.

Tons of fun times with my niece!

Then Nenners and I watched the first episode of 'Body of Proof' (one of those purchased DVDs) and then the premiere of NCIS! It was crazy awesome! Plus, there was this cute little cat sleeping at my feet and that's just nice and cozy.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

GPS Voices...

... are scary... but they're funny from real people... I think you should use one right now... try it out... No! Not the new kind of normal ones - the old computer creepy ones... FUNNY!

Look at this randomness:

There was just a chair sitting in the middle of 2 parking spaces... Mr. Si believes that a person may have been saving those spots... for greatness? Either way... weird... and so I share.

VS Another Red Light...

Friday, 16 September 2011


DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!! I'm a little excited! That's not really funny... okay... I'm walking to work now... just spent some minutes reasoning with a cat who should have woken up earlier if she was going to be all clingy... that's funny. Also... just got hello-ed at - almost jumped a foot. Got to scare customers now... and fellow cashiers... 100 days!!!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Cashier Tales: Random

My day was funny. Seriously funny. Work was hilarious. I love my job somedays... mostly I just love the people at my job. I love the odd collection of customers that come through my till and I love the equally odd co-workers that I spend my part times with (and yes... they believe I'm the odd one... I am... they just don't admit it about themselves)! There's not really one story to tell, I just had fun. I high-fived a person, who for the past 10 MONTHS has refused such a gesture, though the fact that she threw a piece of paper at me probably affected her choice. The supe known to me (and now to others) as the 'Red Black Blur' taught newbies how to high five correctly (and banished that lingering horrible 'Kingston High Five' ickiness) - they picked it up quick. Spent a good part of the day trying to remember the tune that goes with the 'Footloose' song - another supe mentioned she would dance to it if it came on... I couldn't make that one happen fully... but she mini danced and much more epicly did a penguinish dance that looked like it was straight out of 'Mary Poppins'. Got 'Honeycrisp Apples' in at No Frills - they're two of my sisters favourites! Was so excited when Nenners came in and I could tell her. The cashier she went through (read: paper thrower) mentioned that I use an 'outdoor voice' even when indoors... that's sometimes true... but always funny. Came home to hilarity... my sister was frozen in the hallway... frozen in excitement... then she just said 'I got the ugliest paintings in the world AND I LOVE THEM!!!' She does. I'll give no details, because she's starting up blogging again next week and pictures of them are a must, but they are sort of indescribable... I don't know if even a pic can justify it. She even set the right place for them to be hung up with me sitting rather awkwardly. That's all I'll say. That and she made delicious 'Beef and Barley Soup' tonight... AND... I didn't mention it before now but she made a 'Stromboli' a few nights ago that floored us. Impressive my sisters are.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011


Hehehehe. I love miswordings. They're pretty much my favourites. The Family Fun Day at the church on Sunday was just that, but 2 verbal hilarities occurred that were quite simply awesome. One was right after service, I was talking with this person about shopping on the web, she said she really wanted to buy tees 'offline'... Hehehe... she already does that... she really want 'em 'online'. Later an excitement about three-legged races got even funnier when someone said it was fun to run in a two-legged race! Good times.

Onwards from my amusement to my embarrassment - I was teasing Mister Giggles then I started to chase him - we were going pretty fast when all of a sudden he fell. I was right behind him, so in order to not land on the kid, I was forced to jump over him and fall. It was an epic fall. I fell in front of everyone - seriously sad. Nenners saw it from really far away and called it a cartwheel fall. She was surprised I wasn't hurt, as were the others that were right next to my landing point - I explained that being clumsy lets you develop some serious landing abilities. I even missed hitting a full cup of coffee that was resting on the ground. I guess I can hold onto that :P

The pic's of Toothbrush & I taking on the day... there was going to be a rap by my nieces and nephews and Toothbrush and Amanina, but it fell through... this time.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Cashier Tales: Singalong

Today was a hyper day at work - had to be - otherwise the sheer volume of cranky and some plain-out rude customers would have gotten the better of us cashiers. Silly cash 12. There were lots of great customers too, it's just that the ratio wasn't as high as usual. Weird! Anyways - I was singing the 'Inspector Gadget' theme song for fun times, then my customer did the perfect high pitch of the 'whoo whoo' - it was skillful and awesome! Then this really old guy started talking about how it was the best show ever. Fun times. Spent my shift bugging my fellow cashiers into outwardly amiable moods (shake off that tired) and chatting about the awesomeness of 'Phineas and Ferb', and (of course) trying to get them to write their own theme songs... they didn't go for that one... sad for them. I love it:

Monday, 5 September 2011

Nieceamine & I: To the World - Dance Version

Okay, here's the thing... we got hyper... quickly... it's probably why we're watching Gilmore Girls right now! Nostalgic hyperness! Why not though? It's the last day before she starts back at school! We just took a viewing break and tried to race each other to the stairs - I always make her go first because I hate being followed... she feels the same way... I rush a little, but never get within a foot of her - I tell her to 'respect her elders' (the little monkey always changes it to 'respect the elderly'... I'm called old enough okay, Nieceamine... plus I'm only 9 years older than you!) - and if she doesn't I flick her on the head (To think, her best friend Toothbrush thought that punishment up)! AH - my drink just tried to come out my nose!!! Never drink from a Powerade bottle while laying down... theoretically it works, but in actuality the funny sounds will make you laugh... even more so if there's someone next to you; You see sometimes, but only sometimes, laughing is bad... you'll figure it out... I believe in you and your hilarity skills. I can't believe she pretended to drop my phone again! I've broken 2 cases this summer... it's a wonder my previously water drenched phone still has life in it - go Voyager - keep on working my little electronical (for cool factor... you knew that) friend! Well... here's some of the shared crazy:

Also - today this happened.. YAY:
The other day Mr. Si said that out of his 6 aunts he has a random and a half... She's the half and I'm the whole... we rock okay! 

Nieceamine & The Voice

Whoa... mad skills kid!

Nieceamine : The Pre-school Dancing!

Last 1

Okay - I haven't liked the latest Julian Smith videos, so I'm giving up on 'em. Before I junked the link I wanted to remember my favourite one, so now I share it with you (despite the fact that you should have seen it already)!!!

Saturday, 3 September 2011


... Also... hilarious cereal box!

Post Posted Script: The App is 'Half Tone' - I love it! Also just got hooked on 'Quell' and 'Gravbot'... fun times ;D

Back to School Style!

Nenners bought this to put into the boy's lunch boxes! It won't actually happen, but it was a funny thought!

Go go Barbie chery-i-licious!

Friday, 2 September 2011

Friday = Weird Picture for Nieceamine!

Gross Quebec grocery find! Even more so in its plastic case!

Canned Rice?

K - Everyone decided that they liked this stuff, but it's still funny! Nenners looked at and bought this 'Dainty' box and assumed the best. Then she pulled out an undistinguishable can and a seasoning package... she was pretty scared. All good for them in the taste-wise end, but I still stuck with Nachos.