I live for God. I laugh for Him too. Find steadfast joy in Him.

Psalms 126:1-3
"When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.' The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."

--> We have found freedom in God as well. We can live out the joy depicted in this verse!

Sunday, 27 May 2012

A Veggietales Birthday

It's a Limabean one ;) I've used all of my words for her already... so I'll share hers instead.

To Kae: "You never painted my tails"
... yes yes toenails, but that would have been interesting.

To Milne: "Check for the tinfoil on top of the roof"
... fridge... I liked that one ;) I think mostly because I automatically thought of those crazy person tinfoil hats to block out brain scanners... bhahaha!

A happy (old fashioned Azusa Street) birthday (a perfecto age one) to her :D

Also... I'm liking that awkwardly saying the word awkward is spreading... it makes me laugh :P

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Hallmark Moments.

I was reminded of this one last night. See... I'm a cornball... an emotional sap... it's just a little bit hidden... or maybe it's not at all :P This was quite some time ago. I was watching a tv movie... Hallmark you may presume... you're right. Nieceamine had come home from school about three quarters of the way through. Before abandoning a sinking ship (every Hallmark movie ever), she sat down for a few minutes. Commercial time (yep... commercial... this isn't even about a movie!) - queue up an old, like old old, person... reading to their grandchild. It's for recordable storybooks. Then the narrator says something like "capture their voice before their long journey"... insert me and Nieceamine looking at each other and crying for 20 SECONDS OF NO WORDS - because they're old and they're going to die - then these ones: "to Cleveland". Plain old mean tactics. They were obviously alluding to more, but didn't want to absolutely unhinge people. Crazy Hallmark. You know what though? This is not the first time one of their commercials have bested me. Years and years ago (like a decade - its weird being able to class time as a decade) I was with all my sisters when one such commercial came up in conversation. I decided I could describe the one, because there were many going around - I totally failed - bawled my face off... laughing at their victory the whole time - seriously I couldn't even tell it! I stand by the idea that everyone would cry. It's the one with the old lady who can't really walk - you know... she struggles all the way to the mailbox everyday and is so sad because she gets nothing - then her neighbours family sends her a card and she WALKS ALL THE WAY OVER TO THANK THEM! You'd have to be nuts not to be a wee bit emotional... okay I'm crying now... Hallmark (half yelling at my once again defeat)!!! I'm defending myself quite nicely here, but in truth I cried yesterday because I saw a baby raccoon that was going to die... I may just have to accept Hallmark as a continual victor, instead of only giving them credit for the two instances (which in fairness have been thought over way more than two 'in the moment' viewings). Here's to a day of happy!

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

In a car with Nieces and Nephews...

Will laugh. It's almost a certainty (I'm really big on humorous oxymorons right now... I hope it's a phase). Here it is... it can't even be improved by extra words.

Mister Giggles:
"Hey! I can read Chinese letters!"
.... time passes....

"It says Martial Arts!"

Oh to be a youngest... bhahaha... I AM!!!

Sunshine vs Her Auntie's Pasta

So last night I made some jerked chicken pasta. It was somewhat spicy. Most people avoid being around even the assembly of such a dish. It's referred to as 'Kamikaze Pasta'. Only Mr. Si can handle the heat. Nenners has never even tried it. This morning Sunshine asked Nenn if she could have pasta in her lunch. Nenn thought she meant the homemade Mac and Cheese that sat next to it. The poor kid. I don't even know how she packed it without her eyes watering. I've been told yelling for juice boxes and any form of relief occurred during lunch time. That was not a happy or a filling lunch for her (though she was well-cared for by friends and teachers), but it is a hilarious story to share about a non-spicy eater and an all around good sport ;) So - these words are for that brave one - towards tomorrows lunch being infinitely more satisfying for Sunshine!!!

Friday, 11 May 2012

Cash 1.

The frontline of the Nofreehomeless store. The busy zone. The 'you can't step outside of the cash box' place. The cash that I dislike second most (12... 12's the worst... grumpy line waiters... plus, us cashiers get into some serious trouble if we take more than about 12 items... then there's so much paging...etc). Compared to 12, 1's a dream. I don't really mind it. Earlier this week I had a short shift on it. I was in a good mood, which means that everyone going through my cash was forcibly brought to that place. This older couple went through... they are now among my favourite customers. I wasn't directly in front of my cash, so the gentleman said 'who's on first?'... hilarious... I immediately went into the Abbott and Costello bit... sometimes I just love customers...

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Cashier Tales: Potential Death by GRAPE

... okay... that may have been a little bit dramatic :P I did almost wipe out though... see it all started with a abandoned order... Purple Caped/Cloaked Jamboree's (now officially fully named because of a misheard 'Jan Brady' reference) order. I'm going to shorten it to Jamby for right now... see Jamby thought she threw said grape in my trash. It must have rebounded off. I was just bugging her... this makes me question the validity of this 'accident'... when I stepped out of the cashier trap and right onto it. It was the biggest grape ever. I went all over the place sliding and such. I looked like a Weeble('s wobble but they don't fall down :P In your head now?). I could have fallen into many many many metal pointy things which would have led to a concrete floor smash down :0 I stayed up though :D I was really proud of myself! But then - again quite obviously dramatically - I just kept picturing my tombstone... 'death by grape'... I was laugh-crying for at least 15 minutes... customers thought I was nuts... I don't blame them for that. Also got into my usual too loud and too quiet trouble... grrrrr... apparently I exist without a middle ground. And had a verbal Facebook war... because I don't have Facebook... I got some customers to back me up ;) Shift over.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

I just.

Got recruited. Into. A. Super. Secret. Spy. Crew. As such - I can give no more information. Except that. It. Was. A. Ridiculously. Cute. Invite. Aren't. All. These. Pauses. Dramatic?

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Cashiers Tales: The almost fall

Okay - so I may be a little clumsy. The other day I had a good shift. I entertained and was entertained greatly by my fellow cashiers. At the end of it I brought my drawer up to my Christmas Supe. I knocked on the door. Knowing that they were on the phone I decided to distract myself during the wait... by spinning my roll of stickers on top of my drawer. The door opened. I startled. Then because of that the stickers started flying off the drawer. My first response was to save the stickers at all costs. So I almost threw the drawer. At the Christmas Supe. Then I almost fell. I was laughing the entire time - mostly because I was trapped in this first response cycle. Hilarious. We laughed for like 10 minutes. Then I laughed all the way home - that most have looked like the most awkward crazy walk home ever.

Text Errors

I didn't read a text fully. I was lazy. Me and Mr. Si were picking up groceries for Nenners - she was last minute texting additions. I was once again not reading them fully. I read onion, I read lemon, and I read celery. I succeeded in those things. Then - while purchasing the items, I read too quickly and not enough...

 I read 'boy' and 'akkkkkk' - that's it. I put that together as 'bok choy'. I bought unnecessary bok choy... actually... I made Mr. Si run and buy unnecessary bok choy. I'm still laughing.