I live for God. I laugh for Him too. Find steadfast joy in Him.

Psalms 126:1-3
"When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.' The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."

--> We have found freedom in God as well. We can live out the joy depicted in this verse!

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Mister Giggles

Well - its well past official. Mister Giggles is now a whole decade old!!! 10!!! Crazy! I can't believe that my youngest Lewis nephew is 10. Double digits. 3 years exactly from being a teenager! I'm going to stop thinking that way now. Have to. He's still smallish - he'll always be a 'little' to me - that's just how I think of Sunshine and Mister Giggles... they're the babies - same as I am in my family ;) Anyways - because it's his birthday I may have been making faces at him in Church tonight. That happens okay... had to. After I winked at him at the front he ran up to me and pulled a cinnamon heart out of his pocket and offered me one. Now - cinnamon hearts are pretty much my favourites (along with rockets) - but only if they're the real kind (semi chewy on the inside). Still this was a pocket candy. A scary candy. That belonged to a boy, my nephew, but still full of dirt. A pocket full of sketch. A birthday boy who was sharing. The birthday part got me - I had to set aside my somewhat germaphobic tendencies 1 but I ate it. The first layer was difficult - very difficult - he kept looking back at me just when my expression started to go from smile to fear - I held it together until that layer disappeared. Then, I was able to enjoy my sweet birthday nephew's candy and smile with my own. Happy birthday, Mister Giggles! I love you muchly.

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