I live for God. I laugh for Him too. Find steadfast joy in Him.

Psalms 126:1-3
"When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.' The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."

--> We have found freedom in God as well. We can live out the joy depicted in this verse!

Sunday 25 March 2012

Cashier Tales: New 'days' with old buds

I've been placed in a kind of isolation at work. Not officially, but still... it's happening. Anyways, there are certain people (many really) that they never put me next to. I'll be on 12 and they'll be on 1, or vice versa. I think it's purposed. Yesterday broke all of the established rules. It was the best! I wasn't looking forward to an 8 hour Saturday shift, especially after fun times and great movie watching with Spearmint the night before (Go 'Big Fish' and 'Newsies'), but then they put me next to one of my favourite co-workers. It'd been like at least a year. Scary. Anyways - since I knew I had a full boring day ahead I decided that we should establish a theme to make it through. A new theme day! Exciting! I knew no other cashiers would participate in a full out crazy one, so we were brainstorming normalish ones - things that could look unintentional. We landed on Bobbleheading. So fun and addictive. Honestly. People don't know - later co-workers were disbelieving of this, but at that point I literally couldn't bobble anymore. See - this theme day is so addictive because it actually has a goal: you nod your head at people and see if they'll nod back without knowing why. It's a game of natural responses! Love it!!! Most people will nod back - especially if you're talking to them - because it looks like your emphasizing your point. Hilarious. Dangerous. It seriously is because you get hooked. I think we would have been okay if we'd have stuck just to nodding at other people, but us cashiers also nodded back and forth everytime we looked at each other. Couldn't stop, as it'd become our natural response. If only the Nofreehomeless store had been busy, but alas it wasn't. All of a sudden we were battling, not in Bobbleheading, but against ourselves. Motion sickness had set in. We tried to switch from shaking of the head, instead of nodding. It didn't really help. Then I thought of the solution - water! Good 'ole H20 could save the day! I went to remedy our mishap - there was no water in the cooler!!! I asked redblackblur and was told there was none in the store for us poor self-induced sickly cashiers. We made ourselves ill, then I made us unbearably thirsty (you try mentioning water when there's none on hand). We struggled for like an hour when we randomly looked up at the same time to see another cashier get some water! Someone had found a bottle and replaced it without us noticing! Yay! After 4 glasses, I let go of what had been a budding hatred of Bobbleheading (which would have been sad, as it has so long been a dream of mine to be a non-actual one) - and moved on in my day! Aforementioned crazy cashier left to enjoy their day and was replaced by another that I'm never around! Good times. Lessons were learned too - I'll have to start planning for possible problems when I think up new 'days'... Hmmmm... I wonder if that'll take away from the fun... we shall see; Soon too - if they have broken me fully out of the isolation zone - though I may have proven the allusive 'their's' point. Things to ponder.

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