I live for God. I laugh for Him too. Find steadfast joy in Him.

Psalms 126:1-3
"When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.' The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."

--> We have found freedom in God as well. We can live out the joy depicted in this verse!

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Intro. Bring on the FUNNIES!

I like to laugh. Who doesn't? I think it's really important, especially as a Christian. You can't know God and not express joy in Him. Plus, sometimes we just need to laugh; At random things, at different situations, at purely hilarious moments, but mostly, I think we need to laugh at ourselves. I'm pushed to grow in Christ continually and I'll make mistakes along the way - I'll work to fix 'em as they come up, but I'll laugh too. That's why these are mostly my funny things. And although I love many different stories, the ones depicted here are ones I've been around. I'll code name people for their sakes and for mine... I would be hurt quite badly if some of these got out. Worth the risk, though. By the way, I think real laughter is pure and by that I mean that real humor is joy. It's not the crude or unkind thing depicted in our world. It's more. That said, this blog will have almost no order - it encompasses 24 years worth of moments and stories - so be warned and go forth.

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