I live for God. I laugh for Him too. Find steadfast joy in Him.

Psalms 126:1-3
"When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.' The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."

--> We have found freedom in God as well. We can live out the joy depicted in this verse!

Saturday 9 July 2011

Directionally Challenged: Me & 'who' vs The Colonel

Alrighty then. 'Who' had just recently moved to Ottawa. It had probably been only a few weeks. She had a car and for the most part already knew (in days!) how to get around Ottawa better than I did (with 21 years there!). Again... I'm challenged in noticing surroundings

(proof mini story: one time in high school my best friend cut like all of her hair off and dyed it. I didn't notice. I spent hours of the day with her. At first she found it humorous and then she got madder and madder. I get that. I  had no clue why though. Finally towards the end of school, she just told me. So funny. I had no clue whatsoever. I just don't look at people. Know this, and accept my apologies. I'll remember what you say though. I'll remember the words but not the visual details, location, or time. I try sometimes, but mostly I fail.)

Okay, so we were out on the town and decided to get KFC (I hate it except for the now non-existent 'Spicy Big Crunch') and I thought I knew where one was in Orleans. We looked for ages. Seriously. I got so turned around. Finally, I told her to go down the hill (also the longer way) because I knew where another one was. We went to that one.

Like a week later, she sat me down and broke the news that I had gone to every street but the right one. Sad. Even now, I don't remember how to get there and I put some time into trying to lock it down. I will one day have a car, but even before then I'll have a GPS... a Star Wars one... and a cool license plate too... (which will be kept stealth like a Jackal 'Psych' until then!) - oh dear... the things to come.

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