I live for God. I laugh for Him too. Find steadfast joy in Him.

Psalms 126:1-3
"When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.' The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."

--> We have found freedom in God as well. We can live out the joy depicted in this verse!

Thursday 23 June 2011

Me (causing Miswordings) vs Limabean & Tate & Customers & The World, in general.

     When I really talk, I talk fast. I had speech issues as a child. I try to get through words quickly. My thoughts are always a million miles past my verbal abilities, so I find it hard to slow down and to fix my mistakes. Also, sometimes I just get excited about things. That’s when the words start combining. It happens to me a lot. My poor customers can never understand me. Walmart was worse though, because I was so shy. I write the exact same way I talk; Small, scribbled, and with all of the words running together. Nenners calls it my ‘take over the world’ writing. Like I’m bits of ‘Pinky and the Brain’.

     I have this collection of interpretors in my life though. These people often know what I mean, but sometimes they’re not with me and sometimes they haven’t been around me in awhile, then they get rusty. The Lisa-understanding comes back quickly though. It’s like riding a bike. I backgrounded you all up to share about a being educated person and a rusted learner who were lost within a week or two of each other. That’s what made me share and made me try to slow down my speaking. It didn’t work. It didn’t work for writing either. Obviously.

     Anyways, I was talking to Limabean. Had been for awhile. Then she grabbed my arm to halt me. She couldn’t understand me at all. Sad. She said she talks fast, but still couldn’t understand me (I was word combining). I told her to smarten up (jokingly, she’s too smart already), and to separate my words in her head. At one point, like the next day, it happened again. Then she said something funny. She said she was trying to separate my words before I said them. Hehehe. Hehehehe. I love her. I told her she was good if she could manage that. Spearmint can – she can hear me laughing through texts (skill). Oh, Limabean. I can’t talk slow to you ever, but it makes for many stories. She once questioned my miswording abilities. While saying something she had said, she misheard me. So funny. Then she jumped on an idea, a valid logic one, one that I’d never heard from anyone before (and that’s unusual). She said she thought I mumbled (which I think encompasses talking quietly and fast and altogether) so that I would be misheard and could then put people and their reactions in my ‘funny book’. She said all of this in a hilarious and accusing manner. I don’t do that, but the comment made me think about it. I have enough troubles communicating without adding to my ‘skills’ though. You’ll get better, Limabean. I apparently can’t change this about myself (I’ve tried for my whole lifetime), so the responsibility is on my hearers. Adapt or get conversation lost easily. I’ll love everyone anyways. That advice goes to you too, my readers.

     My rusted up person was Tate. While visiting I would continually get excited about things. My words did too. Many actual mistakes happened (they’ve been written down somewhere and will be going up), but many regular sentences suffered too. I’m also worse on the phone, so it didn’t fully hit until the last day of my visit. I was on the phone and chatting it up. I give people time - have to or I’d never stop. In her minute (it’s not actually timed, don’t worry, I’m not crazy in that way [note: I didn’t say ‘I’m not that crazy’ – honesty]) she repeated what I said while word-splitting it. See, it’s a valid learning tool. I apologized for my quick-speak. She laughed and said she always forgets that she needs to word-split, but that she gets used to it, she just needed some out loud time. Good sister. I miss her and Seb and ‘who’ something fierce for just them and also for their expert Lisa-understandings.

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