I live for God. I laugh for Him too. Find steadfast joy in Him.

Psalms 126:1-3
"When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.' The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."

--> We have found freedom in God as well. We can live out the joy depicted in this verse!

Saturday 25 June 2011

Me vs Perceptions of Me

I was sitting down on the curb, invading a fam, to eat bbqness with them. Notsoninja was explaining my oddities to passerbys. I was denying such things jokingly. Notsoninja was trying to explain my days (explanation at bottom). She was kind of failing - they're hard to explain. She then flipped to a story about me standing up when she asked me to stand up - fail... that doesn't sound funny even though it was. She flipped back to my days and got them across with examples (she had help this time, her girls threw me under a bus... I hate buses), passerby was not impressed. Then, passerby found out that I did these things in public, she exclaimed, "She does that with real people!"
... Whahaha! Fake people! If they could exist, then apparently church people are fake people! I knew what she meant - about being silly around people who don't know me - but choose to rest in the hilarity instead.

My Days:
My days are awesome. They are the best things to do. My sister thought I was crazy with them, mostly because no one that I interacted with knew about them. Poor, unsuspecting strangers. Now at least I tell my fellow cashiers and church-goers. On days when I work, or sometimes when I just feel like it, I pick a theme for the day. My standard ones include: long pause (between words - so funny), dramatic turn (do it - especially when you're right in front of a person), awkward wave (I always do this one - but my most awkward is the quick arm up, then down - so hilarious, however, my full out excited wave is my favourite!), jump into aisles like a superhero (I did this to my sister, then circled the entire store - hehehe - confusion), slow motion (in actions), game show host voice day, slow motion (in talking - further story to come), funny voice day, 'jump back' day (say it or dramatically action it --> you're doubly awesome if you do both at the same time), and then just general accents. There are many others. They're spur of the moment though. If I decide to go off a day, then I use my tone-deaf voice to sing instead. It's a part of choosing joy.

Shout-out to 'bt' because she has done some these --> hehehe... sometimes I pretend not to notice... it frustrates her greatly. I always do notice though. Plus, she has stories to trade, accents to share, and a fear of using a funny voice to conquer (I refuse to accept a 'no skill' excuse for this one, or a 'no funnies' excuse to sharing stories - we established a trade and you got my milk story before the rest of Ktown)!

Pick some of these days up readers and have fun with them, then tell the stories that come back from them (there will be lots, oh, the number of times I've been asked if I was crazy... whahaha... I'm okay with that). It'll be worth the effort.

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